Rescue Kitty Helps a Tripawd Kitten Heal with Cuddles and Purrs...

Rescue Kitty Helps a Tripawd Kitten Heal with Cuddles and Purrs...


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A month ago, a little kitten with an injured leg came to his foster home for a second chance at life. He lost the leg eventually but gained a faithful friend who helped him through his recovery and never left his side.

Meet Coriander!


Cori the kitty was found on the streets, hobbling around by himself. Animal Services picked him up and took him to the vet where they confirmed that his left front arm was completely paralyzed.

"The vet suspects it was either a birth defect or was caused by getting stuck during birth and the nerves being damaged," Kate (@KittyCatKate6) shared with Love Meow.

Coriander was able to move around but he had to drag his arm wherever he went. "His leg was getting in his way and holding him back from moving freely. After meeting with a couple of vets, the decision was made to amputate his entire arm."


Meanwhile, Kate took in another foster named Rosemary. Rosie was also found on the streets alone. When she met Coriander for the first time, the two instantly bonded as if they'd been best friends all their lives.

"She was old enough and weighed enough to get fixed and be put up for adoption, but I wanted Cori to have a friend while going through the surgery and recovery process, so I decided to keep Rosie around for a while."


The sweet girl ended up being a great comfort to her best friend and helped him heal throughout the entire process.

"The surgery was textbook and he had no problem with the anesthesia. Here's Cori about four hours after coming out of surgery. He was still pretty out of it and was on great pain meds."


As soon as Coriander got home, Rosie ran to his side and wanted to be with him.

"I kept him confined for 24 hours after the surgery, but the next night he and Rosie checked out their temporary (small) digs."


Thomas the resident cat also came to give little guy some cuddles and love.

"My cat got involved, too. Thomas is a great foster cat dad."


"The wound has healed perfectly and quickly. He has had no issues whatsoever during the recovery process," Kate said.

"He is definitely a people-pleaser: he purrs a lot, snuggles like a champ, and loves to play."


"It is obvious that Cori is much better off without the arm dragging him down. He'll never even realize he's different from any other cat."

Cori the playful little kitty! Nothing can slow him down.


After a few weeks of recovery, Cori and Rosie were both put up for adoption. They haven't stopped cuddling since the day they found each other.

Inseparable friends!


"Last night, after only two days, Rosie and Cori were adopted - together! Their new parents are a lovely couple who agreed the two kittens shouldn't be separated.

"These two are more bonded than any other pair of kittens I've ever fostered, and I'm so glad fate threw them together. This is one of my favorite foster stories."


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