3-legged Library Cat Helps 140 Students De-stress Before Exams...

3-legged Library Cat Helps 140 Students De-stress Before Exams...


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A five-year-old ginger cat led a school event at the University of Cambridge to help over one hundred students relieve stress before exams.

Not only is he a great help at the Marshall Library of Economics, but he uses his three-legged charm to help students cope with the pressure from school and bring them comfort and joy that reminds them of home.

The Marshall Library of Economics, University of Cambridge

His name is Jasper. This charismatic ginger boy has three legs, but nothing can slow him down.

Jasper was rescued from a car accident after he was abandoned by his owners. He was brought into Cats Protection, an animal charity organization in the UK. They couldn't keep his injured leg, but they saved his life. The tabby boy was, however, incredibly resilient.

Simon Frost, deputy librarian at University of Cambridge, adopted Jasper from the rescue center and brought him to work one day, and the adventurous feline immediately claimed it his kingdom.

The Marshall Library of Economics, University of Cambridge

At the library, Jasper enjoys spending his time browsing the shelves, picking reading material or recommendations for students. He likes napping on copies of the Financial Times, keeping them warm before the next reader picks one up.

The library is his turf that he holds much pride in.

The Marshall Library of Economics, University of Cambridge

"Jasper's very sociable and loves meeting people," Frost told University of Cambridge. "He's bouncy like Tigger – because he has three legs, he's a bit unstable when he moves slowly so he goes everywhere at speed."

The incredible feline can do things just like any other cat. He can run up and down the stairs effortlessly, and he even climbs trees.

The Marshall Library of Economics, University of Cambridge

Jasper inspects a pile of books before making his daily recommendation.

He takes his job very seriously!

The Marshall Library of Economics, University of Cambridge

Ever since Frost took Jasper to the library, he has become their official mascot.

Students come to the library so they can spend time with Jasper who makes studying so much easier.

The Marshall Library of Economics, University of Cambridge

At the University, 140 cat lovers booked to meet Jasper for some kitty counseling. They hosted an event with Jasper to allow students to relax from studies and get a much-needed break with their beloved feline friend over tea.

They have started a Facebook page, Cambridge University Cat Club, for students who miss their pets at home.

The Marshall Library of Economics, University of Cambridge

"For the students, it's like being at home again. They miss their pets - and this also helps to relieve any exam stress. Tea and biscuits were on offer, as well as the opportunity to ask us any questions about data, referencing or finding resources."

Jasper is using his three-legged charm to bring happiness to the students. This former stray is giving his human friends the same love that he received when he was rescued.

The Marshall Library of Economics, University of Cambridge

"The fans of Jasper have gathered and enjoyed meeting Jasper, our mascot... in between times Jasper has been catching up on his financial reading."

Share this story with your friends. Follow Jasper on The Marshall Library of Economics, University of Cambridge's Facebook page.

Related story: Ginger Cat Runs a Store for 9 Years and Has Never Taken a Day Off

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