Scraggly Senior Cat from Wandering the Streets to Living Like a Fluffy King

Scraggly Senior Cat from Wandering the Streets to Living Like a Fluffy King


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A scraggly senior cat was so happy to have a new home that he snuggled up to his rescuer with joy. Four months after he was saved, he's turned into a fluffy king.

Meet Pappy the cat.

Courtesy: Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary

The scruffy senior cat was found wandering the streets, living a life as a drifter until he was taken in by animal control, where his fate was deemed uncertain.

He was over 13 years old, just skin and bones, with bald patches all over. Karyn Poplin of Kitty Adventure Rescue League (KARL), a cat sanctuary in Fort Worth, Texas, pulled him out of the shelter so Pappy could get a second chance at life that he so deserves.

"He's skinny, sniffly, scraggly, and scabby, but he's full of so much affection, and he is so dang thankful to have a place to call home," Poplin told Love Meow.

Courtesy: Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary

As soon as he arrived in his new home, they realized just how thin he was. He was frail and a bit shaky, but nothing could stop him from showing affection and gratitude to his family. His love just came pouring out.

"We don't know how long he's been without love, but we know that he will never have to wonder if anyone cares about him ever again or where his next meal will come from."

Courtesy: Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary

Pappy got a much needed bath, and because he had lost quite a bit of fur, they got him a brand new shirt to keep him warm. He loved all the attention and even made a few friends with the resident cats.

He is the happiest kitty, and demands to be cuddled every night.

Courtesy: Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary

A few months later, Pappy has doubled his weight, healed up completely, grown back his missing fur, and is fluffier than ever.

Courtesy: Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary

Pappy's love has impacted other resident cats who need that extra dose of TLC.

"Jem was born with cerebellar hypoplaysia, which means he's wobbly when he walks as his motor skills are not fully mature.

"He's found a new friend and sleep partner."

Courtesy: Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary

As Pappy's energy level went up, so did his playfulness.

Despite his age, he's really a kitten at heart.

His love for his humans has also multiplied.

Courtesy: Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary

One box is not enough for Pappy.

"There's no such thing as too many boxes" - Pappy.

Courtesy: Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary

Four months after Pappy was saved from the street, he's no longer that Scraggly cat they once saw.

He's turned into a fluffy King, and is doing what he does best - smothering his humans with purrs and affection.

Courtesy: Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary

What love can do! Share this story with your friends.

If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help. Follow Pappy and his feline friends at Kitty Adventure Rescue League on Facebook.

Related story: Woman Adopts Senior Cat, Comes Back to Shelter for His Old Friend

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