Two Senior Cats, 19 and 15, Find Each Other After They Lost Their Friends

Two Senior Cats, 19 and 15, Find Each Other After They Lost Their Friends


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A loving ginger cat and a gorgeous black cat found comfort in each other after saying goodbyes to their close friends. They have been cuddling ever since.

Meet Veeb (19) and Dixie (15)!

Courtesy: Sue at Complicated cats-Sanctuary

"Veeb and Dixie are the sweetest friends," said Sue of Complicated Cats Sanctuary in Gloucestershire, UK. "Dixie has been with us since December 2001 and Veeb since November 2008."

The ginger cat was very close to his mama cat Dizzie who passed away in 2012, and Dixie was best friends with Percy, another beautiful black cat, who crossed the rainbow bridge in 2010.

"They were there for one another when each needed a friend."

Courtesy: Sue at Complicated cats-Sanctuary

Veeb is a happy old man and purrs constantly.

"He loves his food so much that he tells you how much as he eats. He loves nothing more than a lap or a sun puddle."

Courtesy: Sue at Complicated cats-Sanctuary

Dixie is a bit shy but extremely loving when you are sat down.

Whenever he is with Veeb, he feels comforted, and keeps giving his best friend headbutts and snuggles.

Courtesy: Sue at Complicated cats-Sanctuary

"It's the oldies that get over looked even after the special needs cats sometimes. Having an older cat and making their last years safe and happy is a wonderful thing," said Sue, who cares for 30 cats with disabilites and specific needs at the cat sanctuary.

Courtesy: Sue at Complicated cats-Sanctuary

Veeb and Dixie's bond is incredibly tight. They are always in each other's presence.

"They are always together now, snuggled or near to one another," Sue added. "Anyone who thinks animals are worth less than humans are deluding themselves. Every life is important."

Courtesy: Sue at Complicated cats-Sanctuary

The love the two best buddies have for one another is immeasurable.

Watch the full video here:

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