Story of Francis the Curious Ginger Cat

Story of Francis the Curious Ginger Cat


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Written by ©Kelli(flickr: browndog_09).

I adopted Francis from the Kent County SPCA in Delaware in October of 2005. I was there doing my required work hours for school and noticed this cute little 6 month old kitten in a corner cage. I spent a good part of the day playing with him and carrying him around. He was just like a Ragdoll, so relaxed and comfortable even while surrounded by rows of barking dogs in kennels. I knew that I had to bring this cat into my family!

The day after I adopted him, he came down with an upper respiratory virus and became very sick, with a high temperature and labored breathing. I actually thought he might not make it for a few days. This is when I decided to name him after Saint Francis, the patron saint of animals, because I thought he could use a little extra help. Because I already had another cat, Francis had to stay in my bedroom for about three weeks until he recovered from his illness. We really bonded during this time, and to this day Fran still sleeps in bed with me every night.

Photos courtesy of ©Kelli (flickr: browndog_09).

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