Stray Kitten So Scared He Kept Crying and Hiding Until He Felt Love, Now 6 Months Later...

Stray Kitten So Scared He Kept Crying and Hiding Until He Felt Love, Now 6 Months Later...


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A tiny stray kitten wandered into a warehouse and was so scared that he kept crying and wouldn't come out from hiding. A couple came to meet the little kitten and knew they had to help.

Courtesy: David W.

A tiny stray kitten sneaked into a warehouse and decided to find refuge there. He was so scared that he found a place to hide and wouldn't come out.

"He had been living in my companies warehouse for a couple of weeks and nobody could lure him out," David W. told Love Meow.

David and his wife, owners of several animals, came on the weekend, hoping to gain the kitten's trust. They prepared a lot of kitten food and plenty of fresh water.

The kitten was apprehensive about what the humans just offered. He was afraid but couldn't resist the smell of the food. After a couple of hours, the kitten poked his head out from hiding and gave the food a try.

Courtesy: David W.

The kitten was so pleased with the food, he kept eating until his belly was filled. They stayed by his side for another few hours, trying to comfort him as he slowly came out from hiding.

He walked up to his human friends with his tail up in the air and looked into their eyes as if he was saying, "Thank you." It was then they knew they had gotten the kitten's trust, and it was time to introduce him to a new home.

Courtesy: David W.

The kitten was alone when they found him. He was so afraid that he wouldn't let anyone get close to him, but with food, patience and a lot of love, the kitten learned that these humans aren't so bad.

"Everything is going to be ok now little one."

"We then lured him into a carrier and brought him home," David said. "My wife named him Oliver or 'Ollie' for short."

Little Ollie on his way to his forever home.

Courtesy: David W.

It didn't take long for Ollie to come out of his shell after he arrived in his new dwelling. "He was skittish at first but has come around and now needs to lie in somebody's lap every afternoon," David said.

"Our other animals were all super excited to meet him! He gets on with them and started being more relaxed."

Courtesy: David W.

They gave him a teddy to snuggle with and he absolutely loved it.

"He spent a week crying and meowing in the warehouse, has not stopped purring since we got home," David told Love Meow.

Courtesy: David W.

Update: Now 6 months later... What a handsome boy he is now!

Courtesy: David W.

What a loving home can do! Share this story with your friends!

Related story: Man Found Stray Kitten Clinging to Truck and Knew He Had to Help

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