Tiny Kitten Grows Up With Very Protective and Loving Surrogate Dad, Then and Now..

Tiny Kitten Grows Up With Very Protective and Loving Surrogate Dad, Then and Now..


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A tiny ginger kitten was adopted by a small dog who took him under his wing on the day they met.

Meet Loki (kitten) Okami (Pomeranian)!

Hayley @HayleyHyrule

Loki was a little tabby boy when he came to his forever home. He was a bit shy clinging to his human for comfort and companionship.

When they introduced him to their family dog Okami the sweet Pomeranian, he immediately took to the kitten and wanted to look after him.

"He wouldn't stop kissing him and helping him clean himself," Hayley (@HayleyHyrule) said.

Hayley @HayleyHyrule

Okami watched him when he napped and was there when he woke up.

While the kitten was still adjusting in his new home, Okami stayed by his side to keep him company.

Hayley @HayleyHyrule

Loki quickly warmed up to his canine friend after a few nose kisses.

He snuggled up to him, and the rest is history.

Hayley @HayleyHyrule

Okami has his own chair in the house and he shares it with his feline baby.

He looks after little Loki as his own.

Hayley @HayleyHyrule

The two are completely inseparable.

They nap together, eat together, and wouldn't go anywhere without each other.

Hayley @HayleyHyrule

Okami is very protective of his kitten.

Hayley @HayleyHyrule

As Loki grew bigger, their bond only got stronger.

Hayley @HayleyHyrule

When the weather gets cold, they snuggle together under the blanket with Loki purring aloud in pure bliss.

Hayley @HayleyHyrule

Loki has grown so much since the day they met.

He's the same size as his Okami, who is so proud of his little ginger boy.

Hayley @HayleyHyrule

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Related story: Cat, Dog, Rat Came to Shelter and Couldn't Be Apart, Now A Month Later.

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