Woman Finds Tiniest But Loudest Kitten in Front of Store, Meowing for Love...

Woman Finds Tiniest But Loudest Kitten in Front of Store, Meowing for Love...


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A 3-week-old kitten was found abandoned in a cardboard box in front of a pet supply store in Montréal. The manager of the store was shocked when she saw the little kitten meowing desperately for help.

Meet Toinou!

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Early October when staff of the store arrived at work, they were surprised by the loud meows coming from a box left in front of their shop — a tiny but very vocal kitten was left in there, crying for his mother.

"Anyone could have taken the kitten or left him on the curb. The manager took him in and gave him kitten formula because he was so hungry," Celine Crom of Chatons Orphelins Montréal shared with Love Meow.

The kitten needed immediate medical attention and around-the-clock care from an experienced fosterer, so they reached out to Chatons Orphelins Montréal, a local rescue, and they stepped up to help without hesitation.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Little Toinou weighed about 350 grams when they got him. He was dehydrated and had some irritated skin.

Over the next few weeks, the kitten had a lot of trouble digesting food. At some point, he was so weak that he could barely walk. They thought they might lose him, but the little guy kept hanging on and fighting to live.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

"Toinou has RCU fluids all weekend to stay hydrated. He was able to maintain his weight at 345 G (which was already very below average). He received antibiotics and cream for his skin damage to make him feel better," Celine said.

What a little fighter!

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

The little guy kept purring whenever he received help.

After a trip to the vet, Toinou curled up in a warm blanket snuggling with his foster mom, who never left his side throughout his rescue journey.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

"He had to wear a cone so he wouldn't lick his derriere. The kid was warm in blankets and he wasn't trying to get out."

In 48 hours, Toinou started to come around! He began to get up and go to the litter box all by himself.

"Since yesterday his stools are normal, his fosterer has never been so happy to see a turd."

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

After weeks of hard work, the little buddy finally got his appetite back! He even licked his lips when he saw his foster mom coming with the food. He began to put on weight and strength.

"The kid didn't give up his fight, he was lucky to have a foster mom who watched him and followed him when he was so weak and very sick," Celine said.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

"He almost left us but bounced back, and now he's getting better and that's what counts. The kid has been delayed in his development, but this should resume in the right direction.

"As he feels better, he's starting to be more active and walking around. He follows his foster mom wherever she goes."

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Toinou prefers riding on his human's shoes and to be carried around the house.

He's still a very tiny kitten (Q-tip for scale), but he's got the heart of a lion. Now he's back to loving food and can't wait to get bigger and stronger.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

About a month ago, they found the tiniest little kitten meowing loudly for help.

Now he's still very loud and likes to demand attention and love in a comfortable home where he gets to ride on his foster mom's shoes and cuddle whenever he wants.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Share this story with your friends. Follow little Toinou and other rescue kitties at Chatons Orphelins Montréal on Facebook.

Related story: Teenage Girl Saves Abandoned Kitten from Under Shed, the Kitty Can't Stop Thanking Her

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