Woman Takes a Chance on a Shelter Cat Who Was Born With Unusual Nose, Now 16 Years Later..

Woman Takes a Chance on a Shelter Cat Who Was Born With Unusual Nose, Now 16 Years Later..


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16 years ago, a good Samaritan found a tiny stray kitten and brought him to a local shelter. Right away, they noticed something very special about him.

Meet Snuffy!

Elle Burton @coolcatsnuffy

Snuffy was born without a nasal bridge, or nose bone. The tiny kitten snorted, sneezed, and snored a lot, but he was always happy, loved attention and cuddles and quickly stole everyone's heart with his larger than life purrsonality.

"He was found as a stray when he was a young kitten and brought to our local humane society, Lollypop Farm, Humane Society of Greater Rochester," Elle Burton told Love Meow.

It was two days before Christmas, and 4-month-old Snuffy hadn't found a place to go home for the holidays. That's when Elle met the sweet little guy.

Elle Burton @coolcatsnuffy

"We were looking for a kitten. As soon as we met him, we knew he was the one."

When they heard his little snorts and snuffles, they couldn't say no. Though Snuffy would require a bit more care and TLC, they knew he was perfect.

Elle Burton @coolcatsnuffy

"He not only looks a little different from other cats, he wheezes when he breathes, snores when he sleeps, sneezes a lot and snorts like a pig. Hence the name Snuffy. He really is one of a kind!"

Over the next 16 years, Snuffy shared countless adventures with his humans. "He loves going for walks outside on his harness. Sometimes we take him to the park where he loves meeting new people," Elle told Love Meow.

Elle Burton @coolcatsnuffy

Being a little different doesn't slow him down a bit. This adorable guy is full of charm. At 16 now, he walks up to people for snuggles and absolutely loves to be cuddled. He shows them how cool of a feline he is.

Snuffy went back to his shelter for a visit on his adoption day 16 years later.

Elle Burton @coolcatsnuffy

"Snuffy is super cuddly, every day he jumps in my lap, stands on his hind legs with his front paws on my shoulders and gives me kisses," Elle told Love Meow.

"He's the sweetest boy and we are so lucky to have him in our lives."

Share this story with your friends. Follow Snuffy on Instagram @coolcatsnuffy.

Related story: Soldier Refuses to Leave Special Needs Kitten Behind

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