14 Year Old Cat Saved & Adopted By Vet Tech

14 Year Old Cat Saved & Adopted By Vet Tech


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A 14 year old cat was saved by a vet tech from her previous owner when she was brought to the Vet Hospital. She was very matted. "After 2 hours of shaving off mats I fell in love. Meet my new 14 year old Lady Cat, Soma," the vet tech wrote on reddit.

"Owner was going to euthanize this healthy but matted cat. I got him to surrender instead." After hours of spending time with this sweet cat, it became very difficult for the vet tech to part with her. On that day the lady cat was going home with the person who loves her and will look after her.

"(We) ran full blood work on her. She needs a little cleaning up, and some ear meds for an ear infection, but she's totally healthy besides that. Cats can live a long time." And now she is settling in at her forever loving home. "Giving her lots of space and letting her get used to things slowly so I don't stress her out. She's had an adventurous time lately." (reddit)

14 year old cat Soma is saved from her previous owner and adopted by a vet tech. "After 2 hours of shaving off mats I fell in love."

Photo and story via reddit.

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