Abandoned Kitten Finds a New Sister who is also a Rescue

Abandoned Kitten Finds a New Sister who is also a Rescue


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A tiny abandoned kitten found a new sister, a rescue piglet. They share an inseparable bond!

YouTube/Santuario Igualdad Interespecie

Marina was a tiny newborn kitten abandoned on the street. She was sick and in desperate need of a mother. A kind person picked her up and took her to Santuario Igualdad Interespecie, an animal sanctuary in Santiago, Chile.

When she arrived in the sanctuary, she was very weak, but her will to live was strong. The rescuers tried everything they could to save her. The next day, the tiny kitten got her energy back and even started playing with the caretakers.

More info on Santuario Igualdad Interespecies | Facebook | YouTube

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Facebook/Santuario Igualdad Interespecie

Laura the piglet was rescued from a factory farm and brought to the sanctuary. When they introduced her to little Marina, it was love at first sight.

Facebook/Santuario Igualdad Interespecie

"Since her arrival, Laura has been treated with love and care that a baby deserves, and has been a deep friendship with Marina kitten, showing by example, that when it comes to relations of friendship and respect, no matter the species to which it belongs," The sanctuary wrote via YouTube.

Facebook/Santuario Igualdad Interespecie

Laura snuggling with her best feline friend :).

Facebook/Santuario Igualdad Interespecie

They are inseparable and Marina adores her sister the piglet.

Facebook/Santuario Igualdad Interespecie

Watch the two buddies in this cute video:

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