Cat Adopts Orphaned Ducklings With Her Litter Of Kittens

Cat Adopts Orphaned Ducklings With Her Litter Of Kittens


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A cat, a mother of three kittens, adopted three orphaned ducklings and started nursing and caring for them them along with her own.

Ronan and Emma Lally, from Clare Co Offaly, Ireland, were surprised to learn that their cat took in the ducklings instead of harming them. "The minute the cat lay down the three ducklings run underneath her. She started to purr," Ronan said via

"We lifted her up and two ducklings were latched onto the cat. The cat has all the material instinct, she has her paw around them and it is just extraordinary."

"The cat thinks they are all kittens. The cat might notice when the yellow kittens get very big," he added.

Cat mama adopts three orphaned ducklings and cares for them along with her litter of three kittens

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