Cat Defends House from Black Bear


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Who said cats cannot guard the house. The kitty from the video will prove them wrong. A black bear paid a visit at a family in Quebec, trying to steal the family's trash bag. The family cat was outside on the porch, about a few feet away from a bag of cucumbers and tomatoes.

The family became frantic when they saw the bear, banging the window trying to spook the bear away. They worried about their cat who was on the porch at the time, so the owner decided to open the window, hoping the cat would jump back in. But no, that's not how the story went.

The cat sprang up from the porch and darted towards the bear when the bear grabbed the bag. He ran after the bear, trying to defend his territory. The bear was so scared that he quickly ran off after he carefully snatched the bag off the ground.

This is a very typical territorial defense. The cat did what he felt compelled to do. Should the owner go out to help the cat? The truth is that the cat could easily run away if he felt threatened, but a human would have been a completely different story. Apparently in this case, the bear was obviously fearful of the cat. This gave the cat assurance to stay within his territory.

I wish the owners weren't laughing so hard in the video though. After all the cat was trying to defend the house. The cat's bravery however deserves our praise.

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