Cat Gives Foster Kitten a Love Bath

Cat Gives Foster Kitten a Love Bath


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It's a love attack that even Charlie the little foster can't resist. "Charlie (the foster) was sound asleep, and Jake (resident cat) decided that he needed a bath. So he went to work. What, like he needs an invitation?" said Robyn A., a volunteer from Challenger's House.

Jake gives Charlie a love attack!

"Charlie was found under a car, wet and shivering. The people who found him frantically called the shelter, thinking he was 2 – 3 weeks old and needing to be bottle fed, and we agreed to take him. We picked him up and popped a bottle in his mouth – which he drank completely – before realizing that he was actually 5 – 6 weeks old." He was in poor condition, but the little guy is fighter. Over the next few months, he recovered and doubled in size. Now what Charlie and his sister Patty need is a forever loving home.

Photos courtesy of Robyn Anderson (flickr: RobynAnderson, Robyn’s blog: Love and Hisses).

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