Cat Has Lived The Street Life, Moves Into A Home

Cat Has Lived The Street Life, Moves Into A Home


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A ginger cat has lived the street life for many years, and now he's finally moving into a comfortable home where he can sleep inside, safe and happy.

"I've been taking care of this stray cat for two years. He's at the vet right now, and tonight he'll sleep inside. I call him Mr. Cat, but my kids call him Steve. Meet Steve," said the human via reddit.

"He's been living the street life for awhile, and when he first started coming around, he was scared of people. Last winter, I made him an insulated cat house, and I saw him out and about all hours."

With a lot of patience and love, they turned Steve around from a scaredy street cat to an affectionate, happy kitty. Now he has a permanent home and a family that love him to pieces.

Meet Steve who has lived the street life for many years, and now is finally moving into a comfortable home.

Photo via reddit.

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