Cat Stranded on Expressway Frozen with Fear Until Woman Came to Her Rescue.. (with Updates)

Cat Stranded on Expressway Frozen with Fear Until Woman Came to Her Rescue.. (with Updates)


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A freezing kitty found on an expressway in Brooklyn is thankful to be safe and warm.

Meet Suzy BQE!

Brooklyn Bridge Animal Welfare Coalition

Kevin Wolff was on his way to work, when he spotted a cat stranded on the side of the Brooklyn-Queen Expressway. He couldn't believe what he saw.

"There was a lot of traffic and it was going pretty slow. I just looked over and I saw her. She wasn't moving, so I wasn't sure she was alive," Wolff told NYDailyNews.

He immediately reached out to an animal rescue group for help. Anne Levin, president of the Brooklyn Bridge Animal Welfare Coalition (community based rescue group in New York metropolitan area), who happened to be in the area, saw the plea and rushed to the kitty's rescue.

Brooklyn Bridge Animal Welfare Coalition

When she arrived, the cat was terrified, huddling up in the corner, frozen with fear. Levin slowly approached her with a towel, and managed to wrap her up in it before taking her into a carrier.

"She was so wet and huddled, she looked like a piece of wood or trash just huddled up there," Levin told DNAInfo.

Brooklyn Bridge Animal Welfare Coalition

The rescue was successful! Suzy is about one year old.

They immediately took the kitty to Park Slope Veterinary Center where they discovered that her tail was severely injured and would need to be amputated. They suspect that the cat was "dragged or pulled under a car."

Brooklyn Bridge Animal Welfare Coalition

Once Suzy is strong enough, she will have the surgery and be on her way to full recovery. The rescued feline is in good hands and loving her warm bed, kitty food and plenty of lovin' and head scratches from the staff.

They hope to find the sweet kitty a loving home after she recovers from the surgery.

Many people worked together to save this deserving feline. Suzy BQE is now cozy, warm and safe at the veterinary center, purring up a storm.

Brooklyn Bridge Animal Welfare Coalition

If you would like to help with Suzy's medical expenses, click here to make a donation.

Share this story with your friends. Follow Suzy's updates on Brooklyn Bridge Animal Welfare Coalition' Facebook page.

Related story: 14-year Old Boy Dives into Overpass to Save Cat Hanging Over Bridge - Kitty Clings to Him for Life

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