Deck Kitten from Crying Outside to Meowing Happily Inside

Deck Kitten from Crying Outside to Meowing Happily Inside


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When a family heard a lost kitten crying on the deck of their house, they came out to inspect the sound of the cries and saw a frightened little fur ball, looking for help...

"This is Logan. He was a stray that I found crying on my deck."


"I live in the woods and we have a lot of cats that roam around. He was pretty aggressive when I first found him, but he warmed up after awhile. Figured feral was the appropriate word for that," reddit user bwalks007 shares the story.

No shelter in the area was willing to offer the kitten help, but they didn't give up and continued looking for a good home for the little guy while giving him the best foster care they could provide.

Earning Trust

"He was not thrilled about being caught with a net and shoved in a box, but was much happier to find out the box had food! He quickly realized that people are nice."


"After getting the ok from the vet, this little guy could come on the house. The vet guessed that he was around eight weeks old and must've been abandoned by his mother. He was only 1 pound."

After a very needed bath!


"He started really enjoying people and had a lot of fun playing with my sister and I."


"From crying outside to mewing inside, Logan is very talkative. For reference, those tiles are 1 foot wide and 1 foot long."


Forever home!

"I was very lucky that my best friend could take him. This was Logan's favorite spot for a couple days, but he warmed up quickly to his new surroundings."


Logan is thriving in his forever home. "Pam, a nine pound Jack Russel, was initially nervous about Logan, but they quickly became friends."


Logan is only about ten weeks old here, so he enjoys his naps and cuddles especially in his human's arms.


Two months later...

"Logan is looking very healthy and having a wonderful life as an indoor cat! He's already gotten quite large and still has a lot more growing to do. We are expecting that he will be a pretty big cat. He likes tormenting the dog, running around like crazy, and trying to attack people's toes from under chairs. All in all, he's a great cat."


What rescuing can do :)! Share this story and spread the word!

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