Exterminators Hired for Trap-Neuter-Return, 20 Cats Found in an Abandoned House

Exterminators Hired for Trap-Neuter-Return, 20 Cats Found in an Abandoned House


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The decision made by Town of North Hempstead, New York to hire exterminators to rescue stray and feral cats, has raised many eyebrows and concerns. Many worry that exterminators that are trained to deal with insect and rodent pest control, have little experience or training of handling feline rescue.

Arrow Exterminators of Lynbrook was contracted by the town for $10,000 will capture the cats, transport them to a local clinic to get neutered or spayed then return them back to their colonies. (Read full story here)

Another 20 plus cats were rescued from an abandoned house in Indiana. Neighbors reported seeing several dead cats outside the house. It is uncertain how many of the cats inside the house are domestic/feral cats.

A homeless man was spotted traveling into the house and feeding the feline creatures. However, the considtion of the house was dreadful and filthy, many cats fell very ill and 3 of them had to be put to sleep right away. (Read full story here)

All these stories have spoken an important message of how significant of a change neutering and spaying can make to help decrease the feral feline colony population.

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