Family Rescues Stray Cat and Helps Her Kitten Who Has a Bent Leg

Family Rescues Stray Cat and Helps Her Kitten Who Has a Bent Leg


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A cat who had been left behind in a neighborhood, found a kind family to help her and her kitten.

Pamela Amella

A year after Pamela Amella and her husband moved into their new home in Maine, they began to see stray cats showing up in their yard. They believe some had been left behind in the neighborhood when their owners moved away.

Pamela reached out to local organizations but none had the resources to help them. "I did everything I could to help the cats. We fed them, and in the winter if we can catch them we bring them in," Pamela told Love Meow.

Earlier this year, a stray cat wandered her way to their home. The couple discovered that she was pregnant and knew they had to help.

Pamela Amella

On October 24th, she gave birth to two kittens, but only one survived. The little singleton was born with one bent arm. They named him Lux and the cat mom Kat.

Mama Kat was a bit shy and easily startled but she was so glad to have a roof of her head and a quiet place to raise her baby. "At first, I didn't notice his bent paw until I went over and held him for the first time," Pamela said.

Pamela Amella

Nothing could slow down the little kitten. As soon as he figured out how to walk, he started exploring around his room and was as playful as could be.

"His favorite toy is a little purple bear and anything that moves," Pamela told Love Meow. "Lux doesn't let his paw stop him one bit."

Pamela Amella

When he is not running, catching invisible bugs, he's cuddling up to his humans, falling asleep on their shoulders or lap.

"Lux is funny and has an amazing spirit and just melts your heart," Pamela said.

Pamela Amella

The sweet kitty is turning two months this Christmas Eve.

He's grown to be a happy, healthy, little love-bug and doesn't think he's any different — Lux can play and run just like any other kitten.

Pamela Amella

Mama Kat is very attentive to her baby and is thriving alongside him. The couple have fallen in love and made the mother and son duo a part of their family.

They continue to help community cats in their neighborhood, providing food, bedding and shelter.

Pamela Amella

Mama Kat and Lux are some of the lucky ones that have found their forever home with the kind couple.

Pamela Amella

The kitten is purring up a storm while cuddling with his human dad.

Pamela Amella

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Related story: Stray Cat Walks into Family's Home to Have Kittens When She Knows They are Kind

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