Four Itty Bitty Foster Kitties

Four Itty Bitty Foster Kitties


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Written by ©Theresa Mershon

Last year my apartment building had a feral cat colony in the basement, so we ended up fostering a lot of kittens while we ran a Trap-Neuter-Return program and eventually got things under control. No kittens this year, which is a good thing even though we miss the pitter patter of tiny paws.

This boutique of kittens was our second batch, they were born in an old video game console and were trapped with their feral mom so they had the best of both worlds -- they got to stay with their mom, but we hand reared them and now they are great pets.

This little boy was the biggest and strongest. He was very photogenic. He was adopted with his brother, the runt of the litter:

The two girls were named Violet (tabby) and Josie (tux). They were also adopted together. Violet is the little devil and Josie is a perfect angel.

Photos courtesy of ©Theresa Mershon

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