Four Lovely Ds

Four Lovely Ds


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Anders Viklund from Haninge, Sweden, has four beautiful Exotic (short-haired Persian) kittens. They are named Daisy, Doris, Dallas & Dolores. Dallas is the one with the lovely brown/black coat. In the picture above, they are having a lovely day hanging outside the house.

Dallas and Dolores love to play. They are trying to stand taller so they can reach a toy. The little ones figure that the chair can help them get taller. How smart!

Photos courtesy of ©Anders Viklund. Scroll down to see more photos:

Dolores is reaching out for the toy, but Dallas is still observing. "What's that funny little thing? It is so interesting!"

Besides using the chair to help Dallas reach higher, she simply loves chilling out there.

Dallas is not the only kitty who loves the chair. Check out the kitten in the background. That's Dolores, occupying the other side of the chair :).

Dallas loves getting attention from her hooman :). She does it by standing up. She is very good at it. Maybe the chair does help make it easy for her.

Doris is probably saying "Nah, I can do something better than that."

"See! I can even dance standing up" says Doris.

"I can see you. You can't see me."

"I can nom nom my foot. I bet you can't."

Dallas is falling asleep over Daisy' trick.

She has got his hooman's attention and she is happy.

Nap time for Dallas

Here are photos of them hanging outside the house:

"Can you tell the difference between me, Daisy and Doris? The hint is our noses :)"

Daisy's nose has only a little bit of black pigment. Doris' nose has tiny little bit of pink in the right corner. Dolores' nose is all black :).

"It's easy to tell me apart from my sisters. Don't you think? :)"

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