Stray Ginger Cat Decides He Will Be the Doorman for a Museum

Stray Ginger Cat Decides He Will Be the Doorman for a Museum


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Cats have their way of choosing their humans and forever homes. Sometimes it happens quite unexpectedly.

A ginger stray started hanging around the Serpukhov Museum of History and Art in Serpukhov, Russia back in 2014. Soon he made himself a doorman and started greeting and meeting guests coming into the museum.

Photo: Serpukhov Museum of History and Art

The staff was amazed by the ginger feline and his persistence to stay at the museum.

They had no choice but to take him in, and they named him Maray after a cat-adoring former owner (Anna Maraeva) of the museum's building.

Photo: Serpukhov Museum of History and Art

"All people who work in our museum love Maray. Many bring him food from home and take pictures with him. So he gets a little fat now… And visitors love the cat too - lots of them taking selfies with him," Nina Strelkova said. ( Buzzfeed)

Photo: Serpukhov Museum of History and Art

For some years, the ginger cat has been an unofficial greeter, welcoming and meeting guests at the main entrance.

He was loved by everyone but the kitty never got an official title until this month.

Photo: Serpukhov Museum of History and Art

The staff thought it would be humorous to submit a job application on behalf of Maray and announce his job acceptance for April Fools' day.

Photo: Serpukhov Museum of History and Art

"Application. As I am a direct relative of [Anna] Maraeva, I ask you to give me a job in your museum. Maray the Cat."

The media, however, took the press release very seriously. They began inquiring for more information about the ginger cat's employment status.

Photo: Serpukhov Museum of History and Art

Soon the staff realized their initially light hearted joke had to be taken seriously.

So they offered Maray his long awaited title as the official 'doorcat'. Salary will be paid in food, treats and plenty of love. He even got his own little tent to sleep in.

Photo: Serpukhov Museum of History and Art

Maybe it has been Maray's plan all along to become the official doorcat for the museum. A little clever ginger he is!

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