Family Captures Moments of Them Being Chosen by a Stray Cat...

Family Captures Moments of Them Being Chosen by a Stray Cat...


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A stray cat showed up at the door of a house and just walked right in.

Photo: fishtank88

"We had never had a cat before and it has been a learning experience to say the least," reddit user fishtank88 said.

The kitty was friendly and just loved it when they gave her attention and love. She needed a warmer place to stay and found their home.

Feels warmer in here.

Photo: fishtank88

No one came to claim the cat, so they started caring for her, and even helped trim off the matted fur, so she could feel more comfortable.

She's family now!

Photo: fishtank88

"She kept getting wider and sleeping more, we knew she was pregnant."

They began to research and prepare for the birth of the kittens.

Photo: fishtank88

Mama gave birth to three healthy babies.

Photo: fishtank88

As soon as the kittens are ready for adoption, they will have the mama spayed.

Welcome to the world little one!

He fell asleep in his human's hand.

Photo: fishtank88

"Watching these kittens grow up has been fantastic."

Photo: fishtank88

The kittens are six weeks old now.

Look at those fluffy faces :).

Photo: fishtank88

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Related story: Man Captures Moments of Him Being Chosen by a Tiny Stray in the Park

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