He's Always Happy and His Tongue Always Sticks Out

He's Always Happy and His Tongue Always Sticks Out


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This adorable rescue kitty is very special. He's always happy and his tongue always sticks out. Meet Mr. Magoo the cat!

 Instagram @mrmagoothecat

"Mr. Magoo the Cat came into my work when he was about 8 weeks old. He was found living under someone's deck with his mom, brother and sister," Natalie wrote.

"When I first noticed the cats I thought 'Oh more cute kittens' then I saw Magoo. I instantly fell in love with a 14oz kitten with a disfigured jaw."

More info: Mr. Magoo the Cat | Facebook | Instagram

 Instagram @mrmagoothecat

"I picked him up and he fit perfectly in my hands and I knew right then and there I HAD to have him," she added.

 Instagram @mrmagoothecat

"On physical exam everything was normal with him but his skull. His lower jaw is very small, and is off to the right side, causing his tongue to hang out of his mouth 24/7. He also can't open his mouth which makes this hard for him to eat."

 Instagram @mrmagoothecat

"Luckily he can eat canned food no problem but he unfortunately cannot eat hard/solid foods (but that doesn't stop him from trying)."

 Instagram @mrmagoothecat

The day Magoo was neutered.

 Instagram @mrmagoothecat

Now he is two years old, full of purrsonality!

 Instagram @mrmagoothecat

What his human mom wakes up to every morning...

 Instagram @mrmagoothecat

Sometimes he hides his tongue... when he eats :)

 Instagram @mrmagoothecat

He is always happy and cheery!

 Instagram @mrmagoothecat

He is a special little guy with the biggest heart.

 Instagram @mrmagoothecat

Watch video: Mr Magoo the cat!

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