Justin The Fire Survivor Cat Gives Love To Rescue Kittens

Justin The Fire Survivor Cat Gives Love To Rescue Kittens


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Justin the fire survivor cat may just touch your heart today. He had a very rough start in life, but was saved by people that love him. Now he fosters rescue kittens so that they can feel love too.

Justin was 5 weeks old, when he was burned, but this brave little guy never gave up on life. The Animal Alliance of New Jersey took in little Justin and gave him all the love and care he needed to get better. Now he's healed from all his injuries and living in a wonderful home.

Justin has a kind heart for little rescues that are in need of homes. He is helping his human mom foster rescue kittens they brought home from the shelter. He cleans them and watches over them like his own. He makes sure that each of them can get as much love as he does from people who gave him the second chance at life.

Watch this heart warming video:

Justin the fire survivor cat fosters rescue kittens so that they can feel love too.

Foster kittens napping with their big brother.

Justin keeping little foster Paulie warm and comfy.

He is the kitties' favorite pillow to sleep on.

Photos by Justin, Fire Survivor. Follow him on Facebook.

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