Kitten Becomes 'Dad' to Orphaned Kittens

Kitten Becomes 'Dad' to Orphaned Kittens


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Andreea found two tiny abandoned kittens in the middle of a park. It was a cold and rainy day. The kittens' eyes hadn't even opened yet.

She immediately brought them home and warmed them up. As an experienced fosterer, Andreea knew exactly what to do for these 3 day old kittens. She fed them and cleaned them while Andreea's cats were supervising by her side.

One of them is Noël, who was also rescued. He took to the kittens right away and the little ones seemed to respond to him.

Noël nurses them and grooms them like a nurturing surrogate dad, even though he is only a boy kitten. He likes to stay close by their side, watching them and being there for their every whim. The little kittens love him and think he is their dad. It's amazing how much love they have for each other.

Photos courtesy of ©Andreea (flickr: andreeainjapan).


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