Shy Kitten Comes Back to Rescuer Who Was Kind to Her, and Decides to Accept His Help

Shy Kitten Comes Back to Rescuer Who Was Kind to Her, and Decides to Accept His Help


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A very shy kitty showed up in a feral colony in New York. A man offered her food, and she decided to come back.

Flatbush Cats

Will Zweigart, founder of Flatbush Cats, a TNR (trap-neuter-return) rescue in Brooklyn, was out caring for community cats (all spayed and neutered) when he noticed a new face. A young kitty showed up but was too shy to come near. When Will tried to approach her, she quickly ran away.

"This young lady had been lingering at the edges of our backyard colony," Will said. "But she never left, and was eventually brave (or hungry) enough to ask for food."

He called out to her, and she would respond every time in her adorable meows. The little feline was timid but finally mustered enough courage to accept Will's offer - a plate of food.

Flatbush Cats

"A cat this talkative that makes regular eye contact is likely a former indoor pet. She was very hungry but also clean, so I assume she hadn't been outside for too long."

When she came back again, she walked up to her food provider instead of hiding in the dark. After getting a full belly, she even accepted a few pats from Will and felt more comfortable with his presence.

(Scroll down for videos)

Flatbush Cats

Will named her Chatty Charlie. Knowing that she was friendly and most likely had been displaced or abandoned, the next step would be to bring her inside for evaluation.

"She's really warmed up to me and was ready for an upgrade to her own luxury foster suite," Will said. "Charlie is extremely snuggly and so happy to be safe and warm inside."

Flatbush Cats

The former stray loves her life as an indoor cat. She's getting treatment for her irritated gums and is feeling so much better that now she's being taken care of.

She loves to snuggle with her rescuer, giving him lots of slobbery kisses.

Flatbush Cats

"It's great to rescue cats like Charlie or fix a colony of ferals - that's extremely critical work - but those approaches are dealing with cats that are already on the street. To break this endless rescue cycle, we also need to offer proactive solutions that prevent cats from ending up outdoors in the first place," Will shared with Love Meow.

"Research shows that behavioral issues and the cost of caring for a pet are two of the top reasons why animals are abandoned. By making spay/neuter and vaccination services more accessible for low income residents in Flatbush, we can address both of those issues while supporting our community in the process."

Flatbush Cats

Charlie is enjoying her recovery with her foster mom Cera and is being doted on every day.

Flatbush Cats

Watch Charlie when she first accepted help:

Watch Charlie now the happy indoor cat:

Share this story with your friends. Follow Charlie and Flatbush Cats on Facebook and Instagram. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help.

Related story: Man Went for a Work Break and Came Back with a Kitten on His Shoulder

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