Lost Kitty Walks Up to Airman and Asks Her to Help Her Get Home..

Lost Kitty Walks Up to Airman and Asks Her to Help Her Get Home..


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A cat showed up on a military base and wandered into a shack meowing up a storm.

No one knew how she managed to get there but the friendly little feline was so happy to find company.


The lost cat walked right into the shack and started commanding attention. A guard on duty went to check on the very vocal kitty who seemed to be asking for food. They gave her some chicken, and the little girl scarfed it right down.

When an airman returned to the base from a lunch run and saw the little fluffy guest asking everyone for attention, she stopped and noticed her pink collar. She knew right away that the kitty must have been displaced and offered to help her get home.

"The kitty cuddled on their chests and loved all over everybody," the airman (imgur/IndiaMikeGolfUniformRomeo) told Love Meow.


The affectionate feline nuzzled into her human's arms and didn't want to let go.

"She was such a cuddly little booger. Her nails were recently trimmed so I knew that she was cared for."


"I briefly left work to bring her home where I fed her kitten food and water. She ate that entire bowl while I sat there, poor thing was so hungry. Once I had peace of mind about her situation, I returned to work and posted on social media," she said.

"It only took 33 shares and three hours until I received a comment from someone whom I wasn't friends with that recognized her."


The kitty's name is Tinker! Her humans had been looking for her since she went missing. "She had been gone for two weeks and somehow ended up 13 miles north at our base!"

After exchanging a few photos of the kitty and her collar, they knew it was their missing cat.

"She must have crawled up into someone's car or someone took her. This is an absolute miracle," the kitty's family said.


They were so excited to know that their beloved Tinker was found, and one member of the family hopped on an hour long ride to pick up their missing cat.

"When she was picked up, it was such a happy reunion. I gave her to the owner's daughter and she was so shocked and happy. I know that they were super grateful she was found," the airman told Love Meow.


The kitty who mysteriously showed up on their base, found kind people to help her get home.

It was bittersweet for them to say goodbye to Tinker, but so rewarding to know that the kitty's back in her human's loving arms.

"I am so grateful that social media can be used in such a positive way. Until the next kitty I'm blessed to rescue!"


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Related story: Soldier Refuses to Leave Special Needs Kitten Behind

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