Love and Dedication from a Super Mom Cat

Love and Dedication from a Super Mom Cat


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This is one dedicated mama cat.

"Millie our newest foster kid has arrived. She's incredibly sweet. Millie has been spending a lot of time in someone's backyard. This someone was good enough to feed Millie and when she noticed that Millie was getting a little fat she called TCR (Toronto Cat Rescue)," said Christine G.

She gave birth to five adorable kittens, and Millie is there every step of the way. "All of them are growing like weeds. Millie is a super Momcat and is taking great care of them," Christine wrote on her flickr.

Photos courtesy of ©Christine Gittings (flickr: gittingsc). Millie will be put up for adoption after her kittens grow big enough for new homes.

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