Mimo the Cat with Odd-eyes

Mimo the Cat with Odd-eyes


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Mimo a beautiful odd-eyed white kitty was born to a feral cat that was rescued by Craig Street Cats. She may be partially deaf, but that doesn't stop her from being a little ball of energy that she is.

Nicole said via Good Morning Kitten: "Mimo was adopted from Craig Street Cats in Winnipeg, Canada, an organization that focuses on handling our feral cat population. She would have been born to a feral queen who was brought in -- unfortunately I never got to know her full history. I adopted her at the start of August to keep my other cat, Rosencrantz, company, after noticing behavioral problems from him related to being bored or lonely. He certainly isn't anymore! The day I brought her home, she was practically glued to him, purring as she nuzzled up to him and mimicked everything he did."

Mimo at her forever home

She is very loved.

Photos by Nicole. More photos at Good Morning Kitten.

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