Mina a Rescued Cat Becomes a Foster Mom

Mina a Rescued Cat Becomes a Foster Mom


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Theresa Mershon and her neighbors Amy & Lynn are working on a Trap-Neuter-Return program and have successfully controlled the population of a cat colony in her area. Theresa rescued and fostered many cats and kittens that wound up taking shelter in her basement.

"The first kitten we found was Mina, and she adopted up for good. She was completely alone in the laundry room and at first I thought she was a bunch of dryer lint. She was about two weeks old and grew into a beautiful cat and a great foster mom to later kittens," said Theresa.

Mina helped Theresa babysit new rescued kittens. She was like a mother to them and gave them the love and care that she never got from her own cat mother when she was a baby. All the rescued kittens have been adopted and Mina did a fantastic job assisting her mommy. [See story of Mina taking care of foster kittens]

Photos courtesy of ©Theresa Mershon

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