No One Expected this Rescue Stray Would Survive the Night, but Love Brought Her Back to Life

No One Expected this Rescue Stray Would Survive the Night, but Love Brought Her Back to Life


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It was nothing short of a miracle when this unconscious stray cat was brought back to life. No one expected this rescue stray would make it through the first night, but love changed everything.

Meet Midna Love the miracle cat!

Photo by 808 Animal Rescue

Max Louie of 808 Animal Rescue received a phone call from a feral cat colony caretaker about a stray that she found lying lifelessly on the ground.

Max Louie shares with Love Meow: "At about midnight, we received a call that a critically ill kitten was being rushed to the vet ER. Shortly after arriving, her heart stopped. The vet brought her back to life, and she was immediately put on life support with a staff member by her side every second.

This 4-6 month old baby is a real fighter!"

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Photo by 808 Animal Rescue

They worried that Midna might not make it through the night. "Another vet explained that she would have a less-than 1% chance of recovering to the point where she could leave the ER. The estimated bill to merely attempt to save her life would be $7,000-$10,000.

We decided to give this baby a chance to decide on her own by doing what we could on our end. We asked for at least 24-hours of the works: life-support, blood transfusions from a donor cat, antibiotics, vitamins, fluids, and continual monitoring. We prayed all night for her survival and happiness."

Max went to the back to check on the cat. "She was just lying there unconscious, so I petted her. As soon as I did that, her eyes opened for a brief moment. It was then I knew the cat was still there fighting, and she was going to be ok," Louie said.

Photo by 808 Animal Rescue

That night, they made sure Midna got the care she needed along with a lot of love to help her recover. The next day, all the hard work paid off. Midna opened her eyes and even started eating on her own.

"The next day, we learned that not only had she regained consciousness, but she was alert and eating! Her platelets and red blood cell count were critically low so she received more blood transfusions and a few more days in the ER."

This is Midna showing how resilient and strong she truly is. "Just one day after coding and being resuscitated, here she is, curious and lively like the kitten she should be."

On day three, Midna was her kitty self again. "We got to see her fully awake and get to know her personality--she is the absolute sweetest, most affectionate, loving kitty ever."

The kitten who had a less-than-1% chance of leaving the hospital went home with Max and his wife on the 5th day.

"She needed around-the-clock medication for weeks. My wife and I lost a lot of sleep ("If I take her 1am can you take her 6am?" "Deal."), but she was so worth it."

Photo by 808 Animal Rescue

"This baby was named Midna Love, after a fictional character of a powerful spirit who died and came back to life to guide the living. Today, Midna lives up to her name and is a loving, lively miracle! You would never know she had any health challenge in her young life.

Over the last couple of weeks she has been gaining back her healthy weight and getting more comfy around her humans. We are so fortunate to have found her when we did."

Now Midna is ready for her forever loving home!

Photo by 808 Animal Rescue

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