Orphan Kitten Finds a New Mom Who is Also a Rescue Cat

Orphan Kitten Finds a New Mom Who is Also a Rescue Cat


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Little Milkshake was found an orphan. When she came to her new home, Sia, who is also a rescue cat, took her in as her own.

Ashley B. wrote: "I adopted Sia from an animal shelter in my hometown almost three years ago, and baby Milkshake was sadly abandoned by her mother. Sia and Milkshake have the most loving relationship I have ever seen, along with my third cat Mokah (who is also adopted) They provide for me a great loving fur family, and I am always happy to come home knowing they are waiting at the door."

Milkshake was found an orphan kitten. When she came to her new home, Sia another rescue cat became her new mom.

They are always cuddling.

This is Milkshake when she was still a tiny kitten.

All grown up now! One big family!

Photos by Ashley Brandle via Instagram.

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