Woman Takes a Chance on 26-year-old Shelter Cat So He Can Have a Home for His Retirement

Woman Takes a Chance on 26-year-old Shelter Cat So He Can Have a Home for His Retirement


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A super senior cat named Thomas was brought into the shelter after his human of more than two decades became very ill.

Volunteers and cat lovers came together to help the kitty find a comfortable home to spend his retirement.

Cats and Kittens at Baltimore County Animal Shelter

Thomas arrived at the Baltimore County Animal Services (in Baldwin, Maryland) after his human could no longer care for him. "He is reported to be 26 years old. We don't have much information on this guy aside from his age," Amy McGuirk, a volunteer at the shelter, told Love Meow.

The senior cat came with several health issues, including severe dental disease, arthritis, hyperthyroidism, and an abnormal liver that may be caused by his hyperthyroid disease. However, the kitty was very sweet with everyone. All he wanted was some treats and pets from staff and volunteers.

They knew that the senior kitty didn't belong in the shelter environment so reached out to social media in hopes of getting Thomas a chance at a better life.

Cats and Kittens at Baltimore County Animal Shelter

McGuirk posted a plea for the kitty on Cats and Kittens at Baltimore County Animal Shelter, a Facebook page run by volunteers to try to network the cats at the shelter. "We were astounded that within one minute of posting Thomas, a wonderful, loving foster commented that she would take him," McGuirk told Love Meow.

Laura Cassiday from Animal Allies Rescue Foundation (in Baltimore, Maryland) let them know that Thomas could come live out his golden years with her.

"When I saw '26', I knew he was coming home with me," Cassiday told Love Meow.

Laura Cassiday

McGuirk and another volunteer, Kate Amberger, went to the shelter to visit Thomas yesterday so they could start getting the kitty ready for his big day, the following day.

"We have never met a kitty this old but we have to say, this boy is about as spry as a 10-year-old. He is super friendly and was kneading and rubbing all over us!" (Scroll down for full video)

Cats and Kittens at Baltimore County Animal Shelter

Early this morning, Cassiday went to pick up Thomas from the shelter. He was a bit shy after a trip to his new home. "Lots of patience and slow blinking got Thomas boy out from behind the toilet. He even leaned in for some pets," Cassiday said.

Home sweet home!

Laura Cassiday


Look at him now! Thomas is loving his new life! Every morning, he wakes up his mom for breakfast.

Laura Cassiday

What a handsome boy!

Laura Cassiday

Follow Thomas' adventures on Facebook' adventures on Facebook. Follow Animal Allies Rescue Foundation on Facebook. If you would like to support Thomas's care, click here to see how you can help.

Thomas loves treats! Watch him in this cute video:

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Related story: Super Senior Cat Turns 24, One Year After She Was Rescued From Shelter

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