These Rescue Kitties Haven't Stopped Holding Paws and Snuggling Since They Met

These Rescue Kitties Haven't Stopped Holding Paws and Snuggling Since They Met


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Since they brought their rescue cat a new friend, these two kitties have been holding paws and snuggling like two peas in a pod.

"The best thing we've ever done for Bean was adopt Sydney," reddit user Fox_ears wrote. "The tuxedo is Bean and the tabby is Sydney."

"We found Bean as a stray 2 years ago and have had him as an only cat up until I found Sydney while volunteering with an animal shelter. I fell in love with her as soon as I saw her. I brought her home the next day thinking Bean would make a fuss but they were friends from the moment they met. He's much more active now and seems much happier. They cuddle and play all day."

Bean and Sydney have been best friends since the moment they met.

They love holding paws...

...all the time.

"The best thing we've ever done for Bean was adopt Sydney."

Photos via imgur.

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