They Got Her Out of Shelter, Now She Has a Constant Smile on Her Face

They Got Her Out of Shelter, Now She Has a Constant Smile on Her Face


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Ever since they took this fluffy kitten out of the shelter, she's been smiling and purring in her forever home :).

Meet Rey!

Photo by @coen.ava.rey

Rey's human mom told Love Meow that she wasn't looking for a kitten at the time, but had a hunch to stop by the shelter on her way home from work.

When she met Rey, the little fluff ball immediately came up to her, meowing for attention and begging to be picked up. The next thing she knew, she was walking out of the shelter with a kitty in her arms. (See full story)

More info on Instagram @ coen.ava.rey.

The moment Rey found her forever humans. The smile on her face :)!

Photo by @coen.ava.rey

She's happy to have a blanket to knead on.

Photo by @coen.ava.rey

At dinner time, Rey tells her humans she needs food meow!

Photo by @coen.ava.rey

Little table manner supervisor.

Photo by @coen.ava.rey

Precious little Rey!

Photo by @coen.ava.rey

When she wants to play, she gives that look!

Photo by @coen.ava.rey

She is smiling and purring constantly in her forever home!

Photo by @coen.ava.rey

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