This Fluffy Kitty Makes Me Want to Adopt Another Cat! Just Adorable!

This Fluffy Kitty Makes Me Want to Adopt Another Cat! Just Adorable!


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Meet Osamu, a two-month-old kitten. This is his first day in his forever home. Already he knows how to cat.

He's made a super cute addition to their 9 cat family....which is now 10 cats!

[Scroll down for video]

On his way to his new home. Osamu is looking out through the car window.

"Is this my bed? Someday I will grow into it!"

His first meal at his forever home! "Nom! Nom!"

"Can you play with meow?"

After a long trip home, food and lots of playing, time for a cat nap!

Watch Osamu in action. Prepare to get your heart melted!

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