This Kitty was Born with Short Front Legs but Nothing Can Stop Her!

This Kitty was Born with Short Front Legs but Nothing Can Stop Her!


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Meet Kanga, a sweet, playful girl with bent legs like what we’ve seen in kitties like Harvey. Despite those short front legs, she is very active and doesn’t think she’s any different.

"She is such a sweet, adorable kitten. Only about a pound and already gets in and out of the litter box," said Amber of Saving Grace Rescue.

Watch Kanga in action:

Kanga was born with short front legs, but she doesn’t think she’s any different.

She gets around great and is a happy girl.

WATCH VIDEO: Kanga bounds!

Look at that face. D'awwww!

"Nothing can stop me!"

Photos by Josh Norem of the Furrtographer (Facebook). Follow Saving Grace Rescue for more updates.

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