UPDATES: Frozen Kitty Saved from Freezing Snow Now Thriving!

UPDATES: Frozen Kitty Saved from Freezing Snow Now Thriving!


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Remember Lazarus the frozen kitten found lifeless in the snow by a kind family on Thanksgiving morning? He's making an incredible recovery and doing very well with his new family. We've got the updates!

Branden Bingham

Lazarus has made some milestones in his new home. "It's been a lot of work - he's used to being wild and is quite fearful of people. A lot of hissing and hiding. A lot of figuring out how to use a litter box and eat regular cat food. We're giving him space to adjust to this new life combined with affection and love to help him feel safe," Becka, Branden's cousin, said.

Branden Bingham

"We are thrilled to share with you all that he has a been living fat and happy at my cousin's home in northern Utah. But we are even more stoked about a special update on his new home! You'll have to watch to the end of the video to see who his new family is ;)," Branden Bingham said.

Watch the updates in this video:

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