Woman Didn't Plan to Get a Pet But Found a Motherless Kitten Under Her House.

Woman Didn't Plan to Get a Pet But Found a Motherless Kitten Under Her House.


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A woman from Prince Rupert, British Columbia (Canada) woke up to a kitten's cries but couldn't find him until she realized that it was coming from under her house.

Supplied by Kelli

A few days after Kelli moved into her new home in Prince Rupert, she heard a kitten meowing, and it just kept going.

"I could hear a kitten crying but couldn't figure out where it was coming from. I searched high and low in the house until the cries sounded desperate so I went outside and realized he was under the house," Kelli told Love Meow.

She started digging at the front of her house. As she looked under the steps, she saw a tiny ball of fur lying motionless, barely holding on. The kitten was all alone without a mother in sight.

"When I found him I couldn't tell if he was alive. I started to feel panicked once I realized that he wasn't meowing any more. So I brought him straight to the vet. They said he was less than a week old and had been abandoned by his mother."

"Baby Oscar's loud meow was essentially what saved his life," Kelli said. Kelli @oscarandizzy

She named the kitten Oscar.

"I wasn't planning on getting a pet when I moved into my new place but Oscar chose me," Kelli told Love Meow.

Kelli @oscarandizzy

Kelli had to learn to care for a young kitten from scratch. She used a syringe to feed Oscar at the beginning because the kitten was too tiny and frail to latch onto a bottle. After many sleepless nights, Oscar bounced back and began to thrive. (Scroll down for video)

"Glad the days of waking up every two hours to feed are over… But I surely miss this mini version of him."

Kelli @oscarandizzy

The tuxedo boy grew by leaps and bounds, and his personality started to shine.

"He is super spunky, likes to act like the man of the house. But when no one is around he still acts like my baby and cuddles up to me," Kelli told Love Meow.

Kelli @oscarandizzy

Oscar curled up under the blanket to snuggle with his human mom.

"He is a mama's boy, only purrs and cuddles with me."

Kelli @oscarandizzy

"The cutest thing he does is reach up for a hug when I get home from work," Kelli told Love Meow.

Kelli @oscarandizzy

When Oscar was eight months old, another rescue kitten from the area was looking for a forever home.

"She was found under another house in Prince Rupert. After meeting Isabelle, I knew she would be the perfect companion for Oscar. She was very timid at first, but as you'll see, she warmed up to Oscar and I in no time."

Kelli @oscarandizzy

Oscar eventually accepted his new sister and took her under his wing.

"They would play together and eventually became snuggle buddies. Now you can catch them running all around the house together," Kelli told Love Meow.

Kelli @oscarandizzy

Oscar is now two years old.

"I can never get enough cuddles from this guy."

Kelli @oscarandizzy

He has blossomed into a handsome tuxedo boy.

"I'll never forget the day I found him abandoned under my house... I am so glad I heard him calling for help and found him just in time... I love him to pieces."

Kelli @oscarandizzy

Follow Oscar and Izzy on Instagram @oscarandizzy.

Watch Oscar's journey in this cute video:

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Related story: Man Saves Crying Motherless Kitten and Raises Him into Cuddlebug, Now 2 Months Later

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