Woman Saves 21 Year Old Cat, is on a Mission to Help Him Live Out His Best Life

Woman Saves 21 Year Old Cat, is on a Mission to Help Him Live Out His Best Life


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Tigger the cat is now 21 years old. But just a few months ago, he was abandoned at a local vet office until a kind young woman came to offer him a forever loving home. Now she is on a mission to help him live out his best life.

Photo: Adriene Buisch

Adriene Buisch (Nicole), a marketing coordinator at Charm City Veterinary Hospital, was looking for a companion for her 6-year-old cat. She stumbled upon Tigger's story in a post shared on the Canton Neighbors Facebook page and decided she would take him home that night.

Photo: Adriene Buisch

When Buisch adopted Tigger, he was underweight and his fur was matted. With some special diet, help and a lot of love, Tigger put on a few pounds and his fur grew back nicely.

However, Buisch noticed that Tigger's health was declining. The vets found out that his kidneys were failing and he had a golf ball-sized tumor.

Buisch is determined to make his last days his best!

Photo: Adriene Buisch

She shared Tigger's update: "Though he is in kidney failure and we found a tumor, he kicks it like a 12 yr old. So we created a bucket list for our old man Tigger...we've crossed a few off the list, but this has been his favorite.

Thanksgiving weekend we took him to the beach and he loved it! Literally sunbathed in the sand and walks along the water all afternoon. Needless to say he made a lot of friends as people stopped to pet him and hear his story."

Follow Tigger on Facebook.

Photo: Adriene Buisch
Photo: Adriene Buisch
Photo: Adriene Buisch
Photo: Adriene Buisch

Photo: Adriene Buisch

Update: Tiger is doing well and nothing is holding him back!

Photo: Adriene Buisch

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