Abandoned Kitten Found His Loving Home

Abandoned Kitten Found His Loving Home


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Story written by Deb Fabbri (Brisbane, Australia)

Nikolas was found by the people I (Deb) work for as a tiny 6 week old kitten locked in a bathroom with no food or water or bedding, abandoned by the tenants who had been evicted a few days before. It was Christmas Eve and the vets and shelters had already closed for the Christmas holiday period. No one knew what to do with him, but being a cat lover with two of my own already, I took him home to stay with us with the intention of finding him a loving forever home. We found him one... OURS!

He totally stole our hearts and he has been with us ever since. Even our original two cats have come to accept him, although it did take some time. Now he is 18 months old, and from the tiny kitten, he has grown into a big, handsome strapping cat. I can't believe how quickly he has grown or how big he's gotten. I often look at him and wonder what happened to my tiny kitten who used to snuggle in my shirt with his tiny purr.

Photos courtesy of ©Deb Fabbri.

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