Cat Brings Her Kittens to the Home of the Person Who Helped Her

Cat Brings Her Kittens to the Home of the Person Who Helped Her


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A community cat showed up outside the home of the lady who helped her. She didn't come alone.

Alley Cat Rescue

A kind lady from Los Angeles has been helping community cats in her neighborhood, providing them food and working with Alley Cat Rescue to get them the help they need to thrive.

One of the cats has had multiple litters over the years. Despite rescuers' best efforts to save them all, many kittens born outside don't make it due to the harsh elements of the outdoors.

They set out humane traps in the area in hopes of getting the elusive cat spayed. After months of trying to rescue her but to no avail, the kind lady was surprised to find the tabby at her door.

This time, she was not alone — a litter of kittens were on the porch with her, nursing away.

Alley Cat Rescue

The cat brought her babies to her food source when they were old enough to wean. She came back to the person that fed her, so her kittens wouldn't go hungry.

Alley Cat Rescue was able to bring the cat mom and her kittens to safety and get them into foster care.

"The mama hid the kittens for the first four weeks, and then brought them all to the lady that feeds her," Louise Holton of Alley Cat Rescue told Love Meow.

Alley Cat Rescue

"We know how smart cats are, and how they know where to go to ask for help. This mama cat has had litter after litter over the years. We are thrilled that this is her last litter."

The feral cat is glad to have found a safe place for her kittens and plenty of food for them to munch on.

Alley Cat Rescue

After a few days at their foster home, the kittens warmed up to their caretakers and started to come around, even the hissy ones from the litter.

They couldn't resist the offer of food and treats and began to enjoy getting petted.

Alley Cat Rescue

The kittens are getting more playful, confident and affectionate each day. When they are not chasing each other around, they are climbing things, enjoying their kitten-hood to the fullest.

These lucky kitties will not have to endure the unknown elements of the outdoors and will grow and flourish in a safe home.

Alley Cat Rescue

In a few weeks, they will be ready to embark on their next adventure — to find a family that will forever love and spoil them.

Their cat mom happily retired from motherhood, was spayed and microchipped and received medical care she desperately needed. She will be cared for by the kind lady whom she brought her kittens to.

Alley Cat Rescue

"There are one torbie (tortoiseshell tabby) girl and four tabby boys with stunning flecked coats."

With help from the volunteers of Alley Cat Rescue and the Good Samaritan, these kitties are thriving and getting ready to find a place to call their very own.

Alley Cat Rescue

Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on the kitties and Alley Cat Rescue on Facebook and Instagram.

Related story: Stray Kitten Ran Up to a Couple, Meowing for Help — He Brought His Sister with Him

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