Cat Saved Couple from House Fire Now Missing

Cat Saved Couple from House Fire Now Missing


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A cat named Baby is given credit for saving a couple's lives from a house fire in Illinois. Josh Ornberg and Letitia Kovalovsky were sleeping on the couch in the living room early in the morning. A fire broke out from the bedroom, but the couple was not aware of it until their 13 year-old cat Baby came to wake them up.

Ornberg attempted to put out the fire with an extinguisher, but it was not enough to contain it, so he called 911 for help. Everyone was able to get out of the house unscathed, but Baby later was nowhere to be found.

The fire was finally kept under control in less than half an hour, but the house is no longer inhabitable. The couple lost an estimated amount of $60,000 in the fire. Many of the items lost are baby products previously purchased for Kovalovsky who is 7 month pregnant.

The couple is very worried about their missing cat since the gray, white and brown tabby is strictly an indoor pet. They are looking for Baby, hoping she will return home soon.


Image via flickr: northdevonfarmer

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