Stray Cat Wanders the Streets with Her Only Kitten, They Need Each Other and Now a Home

Stray Cat Wanders the Streets with Her Only Kitten, They Need Each Other and Now a Home


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A stray cat was found wandering the streets with her only kitten, keeping her safe and trying to survive.

Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

A cat mom and her single kitten were spotted outside together as strays looking for food scraps and safe shelter. The kitten was just three weeks old, following her mom everywhere she went.

They were turned into the local humane shelter, and right away staff noticed just how close they were. The protective mom had her kitten next to her to ensure she was safe while the kitten leaned on her for comfort.

Here Kitty Kitty Rescue (in Elkhart, Indiana) took them into their care so the mother (Kaylee) and daughter (Katey) duo could get a chance at a better life. They knew from the start that the two were especially close and couldn't be separated.

Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

"They play together and sleep together. If Katey cries, Kaylee comes running to see what's wrong. Mama Kaylee always has her eye on her and watches what she is up to," Missy of Here Kitty Kitty Rescue told Love Meow.

The rescue hopes to find them a loving home together as they need each other to thrive.

Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

Mama Kaylee never stops looking after her kitten even though she is growing into a playful, rambunctious teenager — in her eyes, she is forever her little baby girl.

"Momma is OK if Katey plays with other kitties as long as they are gentle with her. If the play is too rough, Kaylee steps in," Missy told Love Meow.

Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

Kaylee is letting her precious little girl venture farther knowing they are safe, but she always keeps a watchful eye. When Katey is done playing, she heads right back to her loving momma and nuzzles into her arms for some TLC.

They seek each other out for comfort, and you won't see one without the other.

Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

As Katey grows bigger and stronger, she grains more confidence. "She is just now starting to get brave and explore her surroundings."

Over the past several weeks, the rescue struggled to find them a forever home. Just when they thought a potential adopter had come through the door, the adoption later fell through.

Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

Kaylee and Katey were found wandering the streets together nearly three months ago.

Now, they are looking for a forever family and a place to call their own.

Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

Share this story with your friends. If you are interested in adopting the pair (in Elkhart, Indiana), you can contact the rescue through their Facebook page.

Related story: Stray Cat Shields Her Kittens from Pouring Rain Until Rescuers Arrive

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