Kitten with Cutest Nose is Thriving After She Was Found in Backyard

Kitten with Cutest Nose is Thriving After She Was Found in Backyard


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A tiny kitten born with the cutest nose is thriving after she was rescued from an uncertain fate.

cute, kitten, cleft, noseAshley Kelley @bruceandfoxfosters

Early last month, Ashley Kelley, who volunteers for Wrenn Rescues, came across an urgent request about a kitten who needed bottle feedings.

"A nice lady found a (newborn) kitten outside, by herself, cold and meowing. She put her in a warm place, and kept an eye out for a mama, but no cat mom ever showed up," Ashley told Love Meow. "(The kitten) was obviously hungry, and something told me that I needed to go get her immediately."

Ashley wasted no time and was able to safely pick up the feline baby. The first thing she did after she got home, was to make a bottle and prepare to feed and evaluate the kitten.

cute, kitten, cleft, noseAshley Kelley @bruceandfoxfosters

"To my great surprise, (I discovered) that she had a cleft nose. I definitely could not give her a bottle as she needed to be tube-fed," Ashley shared with Love Meow.

Fortunately, Ashley had the supplies at hand and started round-the-clock feedings. The kitten (named Aela) got a full belly at last and settled down for a long nap in a comfy, warm bed.

cute, kitten, cleft, noseAshley Kelley @bruceandfoxfosters

The kitten has a cleft nose and a minor cleft palate, so during the first couple of weeks, she was being tube-fed. "She is very strong and vocal. She is content immediately after eating, almost as though she understands I am helping her."

When she reached 12 days old, her eyes started to crack open.

cute, kitten, cleft, noseAshley Kelley @bruceandfoxfosters

"Other than needing to be tube-fed, she is a remarkably normal kitten. She recognizes my scent and cuddles up to my hands. She is the most content singleton I've ever had."

Little Aela adores her foster mom and enjoys being groomed with a tooth brush. "She is grateful to be alive and strongly determined to survive. She's never once acted sick or weak," Ashley added.

cute, kitten, cleft, nose, kissAshley Kelley @bruceandfoxfosters

As Aela grew bigger, her hearing became sharper and her meow got louder. "I love her nose crinkle when she meows. Every time we get a little loud, she does too. I've never met a more content and angelic little neonate in my life."

At three weeks old, she began waddling around and started to transform into a big kitty.

cute, kitten, cleft, noseAshley Kelley @bruceandfoxfosters

After recovering from a pesky infection, the warrior kitty was right back on her paws, and ready to venture.

Watch Aela in this cute video:

Ashley Kelley

"We got the official word from the vet that with how tiny her palate hole is, and where it's situated, we don't have to tube-feed," Ashley said.

"The vet also said she looks great and healthy and that was so nice to hear."

cute, kitten, cleft, nose, nursingAshley Kelley @bruceandfoxfosters

Aela has a great appetite and wiggles her ears in pure bliss every time she eats. She is gaining weight and her belly is kept happy and round.

At four weeks old, she is getting more adventurous with her new-found energy. When she's not exploring, working on her hops and runs, she's making the cutest biscuits on her favorite blanket and purring up a storm.

cute, kitten, cleft, noseAshley Kelley @bruceandfoxfosters

"Fostering is so rewarding, but even more so when it's someone who needs extra care, and she is so loving in return," Ashley said.

cute, kitten, cleft, nose, clawAshley Kelley @bruceandfoxfosters

"She started using the litter box, got a big playpen set up, and she's showing off some super cute wonky little teeth."

This tiny panther kitty is thriving in foster care.

cute, kitten, cleft, noseAshley Kelley @bruceandfoxfosters

Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on Aela and Ashley's fosters on Instagram.

Related story: Kitten with Bear Ears and Twisted Legs Cuddles Family that is Kind to Her

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