Rescuers Help Feral Cat and Come Back to Find Her Kitten at Auto Shop

Rescuers Help Feral Cat and Come Back to Find Her Kitten at Auto Shop


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A team of rescuers helped a feral cat mom who was found near an auto shop. They came back to find her kitten.

Lesley Lee @tnrnow

Two weeks ago, an employee from an auto shop in Los Angeles spotted a street cat outside of their shop, but she wasn't alone. A tiny kitten who shared a stark resemblance, followed right behind her.

They immediately reached out to TNR Now, a trap-neuter-return rescue team, and asked if they could help the little feline family.

Steve and Iris, a couple from the rescue team, set out a drop trap in the area as a TNR rescue plan was underway. They hoped to trap the feral cat mom and get the little kitten to safety.

Lesley Lee @tnrnow

The cat momma came back and went into the trap, but her kitten was hiding and refused to come out.

"He hid in the bushes where all the community cats sleep and hide, and never came out for the night," Lesley Lee of TNR Now told Love Meow.

Lesley Lee @tnrnow

The couple returned the following evening to find the kitten. The tuxedo finally showed up but quickly took refuge inside a Tesla parked outside the shop.

"If he decided to sleep in any of the cars, he could have been driven away or got hurt if he was in a wrong spot," Lesley said. "We spoke with the shop owner and he was very supportive about getting the kitten to safety no matter what."

Lesley Lee @tnrnow

"They needed to remove all the wheels the next day to do custom work, so the decision to save the kitten wasn't hard. No one hesitated."

The kitten tucked himself inside the rear axle of the car. After carefully removing the tire, they realized that they would have to take off the panel in the wheel well to be able to reach for the kitty.

Lesley Lee @tnrnow

Iris reached in and grabbed the little feisty kitty and quickly placed him in a carrier before he made another mad dash.

Lesley took him home to foster so he could learn to adjust to an indoor life with humans. They named him Xavier and started him on treatment for Giardia, a parasite.

The hissy little kitten wouldn't let anyone near him at first, but soon that was about to change.

Lesley Lee @tnrnow

They started giving him cuddle sessions throughout the day to socialize him. He was held in a purrito and given plenty of pets and face rubs.

Watch Xavier's journey in this cute video:

Kitten rescued from an auto shop, thriving in foster

After two days, he finally calmed down and even started to enjoy their company.

"It really didn't take long for him to get used to being spoiled and all the attention," Lesley added.

Lesley Lee @tnrnow

"Xavier is a very loving boy now. He still gets scared with loud noises or sudden movements but he finally relaxed and slept a bit under my blanket last night."

Lesley Lee @tnrnow

His feral mama was spayed and returned to a safe colony with caretakers who look after community cats every day.

In a few more weeks, the little feisty kitty will be ready to be neutered and put up for adoption.

Lesley Lee @tnrnow

They never expected to come into a cat colony and take a Tesla apart to rescue a tiny sick kitten.

"We simply let our compassion guide us to do the right thing. Welcome to indoor life, little Xavier!"

Lesley Lee @tnrnow

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Related story: Woman Saved Hissy Kitten Freezing Outside Of Workplace - A Heat Pad and Love Changed Everything

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