Kitten Rescued from Rough Start is So Happy When He Gets Back on His Paws

Kitten Rescued from Rough Start is So Happy When He Gets Back on His Paws


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A tiny orphaned kitten was rescued just in time by a foster volunteer who turned his life around.

Jersey Kitty Nonprofit

Goku the tabby and his sister were brought into a shelter in New Jersey as orphans at just a few days old. They were in desperate need of round-the-clock feedings.

The shelter was short of staff and resources to care for bottle kittens. Athina Selena, founder of Jersey Kitty Nonprofit, learned about their plight and offered to take them in.

The kittens would not have survived if they were left overnight at the shelter. "Sofia, one of our foster volunteers, went and picked them up," Athina told Love Meow.

Jersey Kitty Nonprofit

Both kittens were in rough shape. Goku's sister was much more fragile and later lost her fight despite their very best efforts to save her. Little Goku hung in there with all his might.

He was touch and go for the first few weeks. Sofia fed him drop by drop when he was at his lows. She began tube-feeding him - a technique she learned from a veterinary technician - to ensure he got enough nutrients.

Jersey Kitty Nonprofit

After many sleepless nights and several vet visits, things began to look up. As his appetite improved, he bounced back and started to show signs of a healthy kitten.

"Goku fought hard, and is a super rambunctious kitten now," Athina said.

Jersey Kitty Nonprofit

The tabby boy has come a long way since they found him at the shelter two months ago.

He's grown by leaps and bounds and turned into a cuddle-bug.

Jersey Kitty Nonprofit

He doesn't get tired when he plays, and enjoys being held and getting all the kisses.

Watch Goku's journey in this cute video:

Goku the kitten - foster

"Goku deserves a loving family and home, he has had such a rough start at life," the rescue said.

"Now, he is mischievous and loves to bother his big Labrador (foster) brother Milo."

Jersey Kitty Nonprofit

Goku is not so little any more.

He's ready to find his forever family whom he will share lap time with.

Jersey Kitty Nonprofit

Share this story with your friends. Goku is looking for a home. Follow Jersey Kitty Nonprofit on Instagram @rukasthecat and their foster kitties @jerseykittyfoster.

Related story: Cat So Happy to Be Rescued with Her Kittens After Years Wandering the Streets

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