Kitten Walks Up to Man, Insists On Being Cuddled, She Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way

Kitten Walks Up to Man, Insists On Being Cuddled, She Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way


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A kitten walked up to a man at an adoption event, asking for his attention. The guy didn't stand a chance.

Sparkle Cat Rescue

On November 5th, a stray kitten was brought into Sparkle Cat Rescue in Burlington, North Caroline after she was found wandering outside a polling station.

"One of the candidates that was running for office, had seen her all day and decided to contact us to take her," Stephanie Grantham, Co-Founder/Executive Director of Sparkle Cat Rescue, told Love Meow.

She was covered in fleas and ear mites and was very hungry. No one recognized her or knew where she came from, so the person picked her up and brought her for a ride in his truck to the rescue.

Sparkle Cat Rescue

They named her Adeline, and she was just over two pounds and a bundle of love. After a quick look-around her new foster home, she rolled over on her back, demanding belly rubs.

No one knew how she ended up on the streets, but the kitten was so happy to be safe. She followed her foster mom Erin around the house and was the perfect little cuddle-bug.

Sparkle Cat Rescue

Last weekend, sweet Adeline made her debut at an adoption event at Sparkle Cat Rescue.

Several people came to see her but she showed no interest. When they tried to hold her, she wanted no part of it as if she was waiting for the right family to come.

Sparkle Cat Rescue

Stevie was at the adoption event to look for a new kitty when he saw Adeline by herself. The tuxedo noticed him and walked right up to him. He scooped her up, and the kitten slipped right in his arms.

Seeing how comfortable she was, Stevie carried her around while trying to meet other kitties. At one point, he had to put her down on the floor to interact with another cat, and Adeline was not happy.

Sparkle Cat Rescue

"She was so upset and growled at anyone else that tried to pick her up," Stephanie said.

Stevie heard her very sound complaints and swiftly came back to her. "He knew at that moment he had to take her. She was a cuddly baby with him but didn't have it with anyone else there."

Sparkle Cat Rescue

He cradled her in his arms and made her a permanent part of his family.

"Adeline absolutely picked her family," Stephanie said. "She got to go home with her people and we are over the moon for her."

Sparkle Cat Rescue

"She fell in love with her new dad and wouldn't let him put her down - a perfect example of pets picking their people," Erin, foster mom, said.

Sparkle Cat Rescue

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Related story: Man Gave Kitten a Home — Now He Wakes Up to a Kitty Cuddling Up to Him Every Day

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