Maine Coon Cat Decides to Sleep Over at Neighbor's When His Human Works at Night

Maine Coon Cat Decides to Sleep Over at Neighbor's When His Human Works at Night


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Meet Blue! He's a 23-pound Maine Coon cat who loves people. When his human works at night, he knocks on his neighbor's door and invites himself in for the night.

The fluffy kitty thinks he runs two houses.

reddit: tadaha21

"This is my neighbor's 23lb beast named Blue. He likes to sleep over whenever she works third shift," reddit user tadaha21 said.

The two-year-old cat decided to hang out at his neighbor's house one night while his human was working and he just kept going back since.

More info on tadaha21.

Blue jumps onto the table next to a regular sized can.

reddit: tadaha21

He's very fluffy and long. When he stands up, he can reach the counter with no problem at all.

reddit: tadaha21

Blue thinks he's the boss in two houses!

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